Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Leave Us Alone Kwame Kilpatrick!

Kwame Kilpatrick has released the trailer to his upcoming movie.  This is just what we need here in Detroit... More Kwame (heavy sarcasm).  Entitled "The Real Kwame Kilpatrick," the movie is supposed to be about the softer side of our former mayor.  So are we supposed to take this scripted, directed, and edited film as truth?  Are we supposed to now believe this person who has repeatedly lied, broken the law, cheated on his wife, and who is suspected of being involved in the disappearance of Tamara Greene? I'm not so sure I will believe what Kwame has to say this time.

Enough is enough.  This film is sure to portray Kwame as a victim of society... Detroit society.  My hope is that this film flops.  I hoped his book would flop, and I hope Kwame flops, forever.  He is much like former Lions GM, Matt Millen, who took a bad product and made it worse.  Detroit was better off without Kwame, and we are still recovering from the damage he caused.  I wish he would disappear from headlines and stop these lame attempts at regaining his fame.  Here is the trailer to his upcoming film, "The Real Kwame Kilpatrick."  Do you believe this liar, cheat, and criminal has a "real" side to him?

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Gas Prices Spiking in Detroit

As I drove down Woodward Avenue this morning on my way to work, I noticed I was a little low on gas.  I pass three gas stations on the way to my office in downtown Birmingham, and I saw an ugly sight.  Gas prices are very close to $4.00 per gallon, so I decided that my quarter tank was going to have to last at least one more day.  While I'm betting on the price going down, they will probably end up going up, and my gamble will end up costing me a few more dollars at the pump.
In fact, the price of gas has gone up 25 cents in the past week, and is expected to continue its rise over $4.00 per gallon in the near future. Although it seems high to us here in Michigan, we are still below the national average.. but only by $0.01 according to www.gasbuddy.com.

Gas rarely gets to be this high this early in the year, and as we all know in Michigan, gas prices peak in the summer months.  Hopefully we don't hit prices as high as we did in 2011, but with the price of oil steadily rising, who knows.

If you have any ideas on how to conserve gas, or how to maximize your mileage after filling up, please share!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

What it takes to be in the top 1% in Detroit

Here in Michigan, we were hit pretty hard by the Great Recession.  We had some dark times, and it feels as if we hit rock bottom.The unemployment levels are much higher here than in the rest of the country, and there seemed to be a large wealth gap between those at the top and those at the bottom.  While poverty levels in Detroit have fallen even lower, so have the income levels of those at the top.  In Detroit, to be in the top 1%, you don't have to make an extraordinary income.  In fact, according to US Census Bureau data, you have to earn $341,700 to be in that category.

While it seems we have hit hard times, I believe that things are turning around in Detroit. These statistics are from 2010, and I would be interested to know what the trends are today.  While it only takes a short time for things to go to hell in a hand basket, a turnaround will take some time.  But I believe Detroit is headed in the right direction. As business returns to Detroit, watch for the entire national economy to turn around.  The Big Three are posting big profits, hiring new employees, and pumping out tons of new vehicles.  Have you seen any signs of a turnaround? Or do you think things are looking grim still in Detroit?

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Detroit Red Wings to Break the Record Tonight!

The Detroit Red Wings are on the verge of making history tonight at Joe Louis Arena.  If they get a Valentine's day win against the Dallas Stars, they will be the only team EVER to win 21 straight games at home.  It's not every day that a record like this is broken, but somehow, the Wings are not receiving the recognition they deserve.  ESPN has decided to pay them no attention not only on their home page, but on their NHL page as well! This is arguably the biggest story in pro sports right now, and it's being swept under the rug by Linsanity and other minor stories.  Here is a snapshot of ESPN's top NHL headlines:

I happened to attend the Wings game this Sunday, and it was refreshing to see that Detroit fans know what is at stake. The Joe was as loud as I have ever heard it, and after the Wings scored the go ahead goal in the third period of a great hockey game, the roof almost blew off.  I applaud you, Detroit fans, for backing your team so well when the rest of the world doesn't seem to care.  I guarantee the Dallas Stars don't want to be on the losing end of this game.  They don't have much of a choice though, because the Red Wings are as hot as they have ever been, and they're doing this without their starting goalie, who has been injured for the past few games.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

It's Halftime in America

It's Halftime in America - Detroit almost lost everything, but we all pulled together. Now the Motor City is fighting again

During the Superbowl this past Sunday, a commercial aired and has been the topic of controversy in the past few days.  It seems that the commercial has sparked some political debate.  Karl Rove, on an interview with Fox News stated, "I was, frankly, offended by it...I'm a huge fan of Clint Eastwood, I thought it was an extremely well done ad, but this is a sign of what happens when you have Chicago-style politics, and the president of the United States and his political minions are, in essence, using our tax dollars to buy corporate advertising."  In other words, Rove believes that Chrysler is echoing the argument that the Obama administration brought the auto industry back from a brush with death. 

Eastwood has his own version of the story.  In a subsequent interview with Fox News, he said, "There is no spin in that ad. On this I am certain. I am certainly not politically affiliated with Mr. Obama. It was meant to be a message about just job growth and the spirit of America. I think all politicians will agree with it. It thought the spirit was OK."   Eastwood also spoke out against the auto bailouts.

Personally, I like Clint Eastwood, and if there was political undertones to this commercial, I believe he wouldn't do the commercial.  But it's not what I think that matters.  What do you think Detroit?

Here is the commercial for your viewing pleasure...

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Who will bring the next championship to Detroit?

A Detroit free press article recently posted a question to Detroit sports fans:
Who will bring the next championship to Detroit... The Wings, Lions, or Tigers?
Obviously the Pistons are not part of this question as their descent into obscurity continues to frustrate local basketball fans.
Here is my take on the question:
Let's start with the Tigers. Having acquired one of the most coveted young players in the game, the Tigers are making a push to win it all this year. Mike Illich is another year older and he can't afford to take his time. Word has it that he overruled Dave Dombrowski's decision and paid top dollar for Prince Fielder, son of the Tiger legend Cecil. Prince will play first base, which means that annual all-star Miguel Cabrera must slim down and move to third, a position he hasn't played in years. I'm not so sure that Miguel has the ability to make a diving snag, pop up, and make a throw to first before the runner is called safe. This means more base runners for opponents, and in turn, more runs scored. The Tigers will not win a championship in the near future.
On to the Red Wings.
If there's one thing we know about the Wings, it's that they will always have a great season and easily make the playoffs. Once there, winning has been a problem of late. With a roster composed of seasoned veterans, the Wings seem to slow down in the playoffs. Too often do the names of Helm and Abdelkater show up on the stat sheet while Datsyuk, Zetterberg, and Lidstrom are scarce. The Wings will not win the next championship in Detroit.
So we're left with the Lions.
The Lions have a solid core of young players who are easily mentioned with the best players at their respective positions.  From Stafford, Calvin Johnson, to Cliff Avril, the Lions have built a young team with plenty of talent that is hungry to win.  Furthermore, these young players have not been starters for very long, and have yet to reach their full potential. They have a great coach in Jim Schwartz, who leads his team with enthusiasm and a "never back down" attitude, evidenced by his ferocious fist pumps and his willingness to throw down with other coaches.  I expect great things from the Lions, and they will bring a Superbowl victory to Detroit for the first time ever.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Optimism Returns to Detroit

In the wake of the best attended North American Auto Show since 2005, there is a growing buzz surrounding the city of Detroit.  With a total attendance of 770,932, optimism in Detroit is the highest it has been in recent memory.  Make no mistake world, Detroit is making an epic comeback... you heard it here first.  As the heart and soul of the automotive industry, beautiful and sexy models were on display downtown.  The women who attended also looked good.  This is good news for the entire country because as Detroit goes, so does the whole US.  Expect great things from our Big 3 this year and in the years to come.  As the boomers retire in waves, Detroit has attracted a multitude of young professionals with cheap rent prices and a growing social scene.  It's come time for that talent to go to work.

Detroit closes the North American International Auto Show in style

Although snubbed from the Pro Bowl, Matthew Stafford embodies the heart of Detroit

It takes a long time to rebuild in the wake of devastation - just ask Jim Schwartz and the Detroit Lions.  Not too long ago, Lions fans were wearing paper bags over their heads and orange t-shirts that read "Fire Millen" as our beloved football team was downright pitiful.  It appears that the rebuilding phase is over, and the Lions are now reloading for another successful season beginning in the fall of 2012.  Matthew Stafford has silenced all doubters by having the best season of his career, and one of the best seasons posted by a quarterback all-time.  And while Stafford has done what only 4 other players have done in NFL history, Cam Newton is awarded the Pro-Bowl roster spot vacated by Eli Manning.  This only solidifies our position as one of the most disliked teams in the NFL, a spot that Lions fans should relish in.  The Patriots will win another Super Bowl this year fueled by their "Us against the world" attitude.  My advice to the Lions - emulate the best and embrace your position.  Here is a breakdown of Stafford vs. Newton:

  • Passer Rating: Stafford 97..2  /  Newton 84.5
  • Completion %: Stafford 63.5  / Newton 60.0
  • Yards: Stafford 5,038  / Newton 4,051
  • Touchdowns: Stafford 41  / Newton 21
  • Interceptions: Stafford 16  /  Newton 17
(Stats from ESPN)